Inheritance Patterns

Classical (class-based) Inheritance vs. Prototypal Inheritance

Classical (class-based) Inheritance

Classes inherits from classes!

Classical (class-based) Inheritance

The inheritance is based on copies! I.e. when a child class inherits its parents members, they are actually copied to the child class.
The Cons?
Gorilla / Banana problem
Tight Coupling Problem
Duplication by Necessity Problem

Prototypal Inheritance

Objects inherits from objects!

Prototypal Inheritance

The inheritance is based on a prototype chain! As a result, each child will be able to access by reference its prototype.
Changing prototype definitions dynamically!

Classical (class-based) Inheritance in JavaScript


			// create 'Car' constructor
			var Car = function(manufacturer, speed){
				this.manufacturer = manufacturer || undefined;
				this.speed= speed || 100;
			Car.prototype= {
				drive: function(){
					if (this.wings >= 2){
						console.log(`Flying wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);
						console.log(`Driving wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);

			// create 'Ford' constructor
			var Ford = function( speed){
				var manufacturer = 'Ford';
				// use the parent constructor
				Car.apply(this, [manufacturer, speed]);
			// set the prototype chain
			Ford.prototype.__proto__ = Car.prototype;

			// create 'ford' object
			var ford = new Ford(200);

			// create 'theFordOfPesho' object
			var theFordOfPesho = new Ford(300);
			theFordOfPesho.wings = 2;;;


Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

The Prototype Chain

Each JavaScript object has a prototype object
An object "inherits" - i.e. has access to all members of its prototype.
An object prototype is just an object, so it can also have prototype from which to inherit from.
This is known as the prototype chain!

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using '__proto__' - example

			// create 'car' object
			var car = {
				manufacturer: undefined,
				speed: 100,
				drive: function(){
					if (this.wings >= 2){
						console.log(`Flying wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);
						console.log(`Driving wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);

			// create the 'ford' object
			var ford = {
				// make 'ford' to inherit from 'car'
				__proto__ : car,
				manufacturer: "Ford",
				speed: 200,

			// create 'theFordOfPesho' object
			var theFordOfPesho = {
				// make 'theFordOfPesho' to inherit from 'ford'
				__proto__ : ford,
				wings: 2,
				speed: 300,
Be careful when using __proto__
Prototype_mutation on MDN
Do not use __proto__ outside of object literals!

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using '__proto__' - diagram

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using Object.create() - example

			// create 'car' object
			var car = {
				manufacturer: undefined,
				speed: 100,
				drive: function(){
					if (this.wings >= 2){
						console.log(`Flying wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);
						console.log(`Driving wiht ${this.speed} km/h`);
			// create 'ford' and make it to inherit from 'car'
			var ford = Object.create( car, {
				manufacturer: {value: "Ford"},
				speed: {value: 200},

			// create 'theFordOfPesho' and make it to inherit from 'ford'
			var theFordOfPesho = Object.create(ford, {
				wings: {value: 2},
				speed: {value: 300},

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using Object.create() - diagram

Yes, the diagram is identical with the one with '__proto__'
It's better and safe to use Object.create() aproach, instead of '__proto__'

Prototypal Inheritance of constructed objects

			// Animal constructor
			var Animal = function(food){ = food;
			} = function(){
				console.log(`${} is eating ${}`);

			// Cat constructor
			var Cat = function(name, food){
				// reuse the Animal Constructor, food); = name || 'Tom';
			// Cat objects will inherit from Animal.prototype
			Cat.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

			// Cat instance
			var tom = new Cat('Tom', 'cheese');;

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
